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This Earth Day (Saturday, April 22nd) we’ll be hosting a fair in our Beer Garden! From 12-4 pm, shop for goods, jewelry, plants, etc. from local artists and vendors while learning more about the local organizations that promote sustainability in our region!

Vendors Include:

Whatcom Million Trees Project, Flynn Farms, Sustainable Connections, Rainbow Lee Vintage, Smella & Stinkles, Whatcom Smart Trips, Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association, Miracle Food Network, Noble Crow Art, Plantas Nativa, Dragon Lane Crafts, Rare Frog Oddities, Goat Boat Farm, FarmWild!

And we’ll be partying in the garden from 12-11, with our Spring Fling concerts, serving our classic backyard BBQ menu (available 3-8). We’ll be releasing our new Pallino Italian Pilsner!

Saturday Lineup:

1-4pm – Quickdraw Stringband

5pm – Terroir

6:15 – Cardova

9 – Hot Tomatoes

Tell your friends and have a beer date!