2016 GABF Roundup, winners from WA & B’ham

  In its 30th year of competition (35th year of the festival), the 2016 Great American Beer Festival (GABF) awarded 286 medals to some of the best commercial breweries in the U.S., plus three GABF Pro-Am medals to teams of amateur homebrewers paired with professionals. In a ceremony on Oct. 8 at the Colorado [...]

2016 GABF Roundup, winners from WA & B’ham2018-10-18T13:21:54-07:00

Bellingham Beer in Denver at the Great American Beer Festival

  Check out Bellingham’s finest breweries as they visit the Crafty Fox in Denver on October 7th from 4:00 PM - close! Drink beer and win prizes! Joining Denver’s own Crooked Stave Artisan Beer Project and Jackson Hole, Wyoming's Melvin Brewing will be 10 featured taps from Bellingham’s Aslan Brewing Company, Boundary [...]

Bellingham Beer in Denver at the Great American Beer Festival2018-10-18T13:22:04-07:00

35th Annual Great American Beer Festival

  For the 35th year in a row, craft beer lovers will gather in Colorado at the Great American Beer Festival (GABF), the premier beer festival and competition in the U.S. With 379,000 square feet in the tasting hall, an anticipated 60,000 attendees will have the opportunity to sample some 3,800 [...]

35th Annual Great American Beer Festival2018-10-18T13:22:17-07:00

Beer Review #41 — Wander Wild Warehouse 2016

Welcome back again for another rendition of Tap Trail Reviews. We've got a fun one this week from Wander, who just celebrated their second anniversary on Saturday in epic fashion. Loads of incredible beer, people, and community made for a great party. Prior to their anniversary, Wander re-released bottles of their Wild [...]

Beer Review #41 — Wander Wild Warehouse 20162018-10-18T13:22:42-07:00

Judging beer at the GABF

The annual Great American Beer Festival (GABF) in Denver is not only about sampling countless beers from U.S. breweries. It’s also the largest commercial beer competition in the world. At this year’s GABF, which ran late September, 242 beer experts from 15 countries (including the U.S.) judged 6,647 different beers from [...]

Judging beer at the GABF2018-10-18T13:24:47-07:00

Bellingham Breweries Among Best At Great American Beer Festival

The biggest baddest beer festival of them all finished up on Saturday. The Great American Beer Festival showcased nearly 1,000 breweries and brought in 60,000 craft beer fans to Denver Colorado. After all the awards were announced, Washington State fared very well, bringing home 13 medals in all. Not every brewery [...]

Bellingham Breweries Among Best At Great American Beer Festival2018-10-18T13:24:56-07:00
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