Beer Style Profile: Lambic and Spontaneously Fermented Ale

No beer is more romantic or more connected to Mother Nature than Lambics and spontaneously fermented ales. These unique beers are defined by geography, techniques, ingredients and local microorganisms. Lambic is spontaneously fermented beer from Brussels and the Pajottenland region (also Payottenland) / Senne Valley (also Zenne) of Belgium. Lambic is more of [...]

Beer Style Profile: Lambic and Spontaneously Fermented Ale2018-10-18T13:23:00-07:00

Beer Review #18 — Cascade Brewing: Blackcap Raspberry (2015)

Welcome back fellow beer lovers! Firstly, I wanted to have this up earlier in the week, as it was fresh in my mind, but I came down with a bit of a head cold, which may or may not have been directly attributed to numerous beer week shenanigans...the verdict is still out [...]

Beer Review #18 — Cascade Brewing: Blackcap Raspberry (2015)2018-10-18T13:24:57-07:00
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