Pico introduces less expensive Pico C brewing appliance

Pico has recently introduced its new Model C brewing appliance, which builds on the technology created for its big brother, the Pico Model S (and its even bigger brother, the Zymatic). The company says this new machine is easier to use and more affordable. As of today (5/9/17), nearly $1.7 million [...]

Pico introduces less expensive Pico C brewing appliance2018-10-18T13:21:34-07:00

What is the definition of a homebrewer?

While researching PicoBrew’s Pico homebrewing appliance, I read through many online forums to get a feel for what others thought of it. Some of the threads turned into philosophical discussions on what it means to be a homebrewer and, more specifically, what is the definition of a homebrewer. Of course, the [...]

What is the definition of a homebrewer?2018-10-18T13:24:07-07:00

Thoughts on PicoBrew’s Pico beer brewing appliance

After reading Ariana’s post about the PicoBrew Pico homebrew system, I became intrigued by the machine, and I even considered purchasing one. When PicoBrew released the Zymatic in 2013, I found it interesting, but I didn’t even consider buying one because it was too expensive (roughly $2,000). PicoBrew’s recently released Pico, [...]

Thoughts on PicoBrew’s Pico beer brewing appliance2018-10-18T13:24:10-07:00

PicoBrew Allows Anyone to Become a Homebrewer

"What if you could explore fresh craft beer from breweries around the world, and what if you could brew it yourself customized to your own taste in your own home?" Ladies and gentlemen, put away your kettles and carboys because homebrewing just got a whole lot easier. A new device based out [...]

PicoBrew Allows Anyone to Become a Homebrewer2018-10-18T13:24:25-07:00
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