What is the definition of a homebrewer?

While researching PicoBrew’s Pico homebrewing appliance, I read through many online forums to get a feel for what others thought of it. Some of the threads turned into philosophical discussions on what it means to be a homebrewer and, more specifically, what is the definition of a homebrewer. Of course, the [...]

What is the definition of a homebrewer?2018-10-18T13:24:07-07:00

Thoughts on PicoBrew’s Pico beer brewing appliance

After reading Ariana’s post about the PicoBrew Pico homebrew system, I became intrigued by the machine, and I even considered purchasing one. When PicoBrew released the Zymatic in 2013, I found it interesting, but I didn’t even consider buying one because it was too expensive (roughly $2,000). PicoBrew’s recently released Pico, [...]

Thoughts on PicoBrew’s Pico beer brewing appliance2018-10-18T13:24:10-07:00
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